Social Media Share buttons plugin

yavuz / 2010-09-18 21:04:30   

This is for sharing your site on Facebook and giving links to your LinkedIn and Twitter pages.
Let me know how it works.
Detailed ReadMe is in the zip file.
Here is the link:

transbulldyke / 2011-01-29 02:33:20   


somehow the twitter part of the plug in did not work.
Can you help me?

steve2011 / 2011-03-26 16:14:39   

Im a little confused on whay information is needed for facebook

Your Title for Facebook
Your content for Facebook
the thumbnail image of your site on Facebook

( image has to be minimum 50x50 pixels and 130x110 pixels max )

also when i click my linkedin link it is putting my web address infront of my linked in address

Thanks for the link

adega / 2011-03-26 21:53:16   

Any special reason for using a plugin instead of simple coding???

steve2011 / 2011-03-27 17:02:26   

using simple html in the pre nav didnt work for me

jnine / 2012-01-16 21:47:16   

hi, thank you for the link,
i have troubles to understand everything you wrote in your file...

i uploded your files and copy paste the things in the index.php file...

Your Title for Facebook (just like Züst Grüngestaltung GmbH?)
Your content for Facebook (the link to facebook?)
the thumbnail image of your site on Facebook (do not understand at all)

the page:

could someone has a look?

thank you janine

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