center slideshow gallery

rhysb123 / 2011-04-11 13:19:30   


this is the site I am 'trying' to modify, this page in particular:

Basically, what I want to do is center the slideshow images, nothing else, just the images. It's driving me crazy!

I would be eternally grateful for any suggestions!
Many thanks in advance.




Jamiejoseffry / 2011-04-14 22:59:12   

do you mean centre vertically or horizontally???

blameme / 2011-04-15 15:50:21   

Hi, i've been wondering about this for a while as well, I think that this might work but you'll have to edit exhibit.slideshow.php and add an inline style on around line 62

  1. $a .= "n<div style='width:100%'><img src='" . BASEURL . GIMGS . "/$go[media_file]' class='img-bot' /

Then down at around 82 edit the margin:

  1. .img-bot {margin-bottom: 6px auto 0; display: block; }";

Untested, but hope it helps

christina / 2011-12-17 09:54:26   

I tried it, but it didn't work for me. Did anyone else try? Here is the link: Webpage

southafrica / 2011-12-25 14:24:16   

Hi Christina,

Here's what you do:

1. Open your CSS file and add the following rules:

  1. #img-container .nav{margin-bottom:30px;margin-top:5px;}
  2. #s1 div{width:700px;height:700px;}
  3. #s1 div img{margin:auto;display:block;}

Notice that I have specified a width of 700px. You need to decide how wide you'd like your layout, try different values or put in 100% (untested).

Let me know if you run into problems.

christina / 2011-12-27 05:00:01   

Thank you Southafrica, that works perfectly fine! Still trying to figure out the position of the caption, but thanks for your help!

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