Horizontal Vimeo/Youtube TIP

sannemaloe / 2011-09-08 07:14:07   

Hi all,

For a couple of sites I was working on, I looked for a solution to make Vimeo or Youtube video's scroll horizontally. I finally managed to do so, and I'm a bit of an amateur, so that says something. I combined two things i saw on this forum.

1: make longer image captions. You can do it the hard way as explained over HERE , but i did the 'simple' way by making the image title and image captions both 255. As explained HERE.

2: You upload an image with the width of your video widh and 1px high. (so 1px x 1014px) The image can be a .gif 100% transparent, but i used a white .jpg instead. In the 'image title' box, you paste the link of Youtube/Vimeo embed code.

That's it! Now you can combine video and images in a horizontal mode and also change the order. (i'm sure it workes in other formats as well, but i didn't try it yet).

For an example: check THIS

Hope it works out for you the same way it did for me!
And as I said before, I'm not so good at this yet, so I really don't know if i can answer your questions.


sannemaloe / 2011-09-08 07:19:54   

OK so it works with Horizontal, Over and Over and Slideshow only.

pernin / 2011-09-24 04:20:56   

thanks for the hack: it's a good hack! :)

test results and comments:

some considerations:

greyscale transparent gif will work in all circumstances, if you are making jpg it will have to be the same colour as your background (not necessarily white)

255 characters won't be enough for many embed codes, they can easily clock at around 400 characters, so it will be necessary to edit the database, change media_caption from tinytext to longtext

you may get error warnings when uploading a 1px high gif or jpg, probably because it tries to create thumbnails and it borks. The image will upload anyway and work, but this may be the reason why this hack works only with horizontal, over and over, and slideshow: other formats use thumbnails (its a wag, someone correct me if I'm wrong)

titles are placed by default above the captions. If all you have is videos, then it's no problem but you need titles for all your videos or for none, otherwise it will look weird (or edit the css so titles come below captions).

if you are mixing stills and video in the same page, and want titles, then you definitely need not only to edit the css, but the plugin too. Or you can use this other workaround: use the same method as for the videos and load the stills into the captions with img src

nuff / 2011-11-03 15:10:08   

Hi all,

I've read through the various Vimeo/Horizontal/Video threads, and I'm wondering if this method is the winner? It seems to have popped up quite conclusively, and I certainly can't think of a better way to get video in the layout (although Vaska had mentioned detecting dummy images and switching them out).


Modesty / 2012-03-21 05:27:06   

If this work it's brilliant! Just what I was looking for. Thank you!! :)

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