max image size to 1000px?

xikki / 2012-11-15 10:38:12   

i was wondering if it is possible to replace the max image size (Visual Index; Overlay option on-click) of 700px to something like 1000px, for example. The reason i am asking is that, when i put fullpx, the images are too big for any phone screen, and impossible to navigate. on the other hand, if i put 700px, images are too small for normal monitor size.
actually, scale on window resize option would be best for that, but if i got it right, it is not really doable without some serious php knowledge...

lx / 2012-11-15 22:50:36   

Go to ndxzsite/config/options.php and add your custom image sizes to the array $default['imagesize']. But doesn't the overlay function downsize images too large for the viewport by default? However it only does it on load, not when resizing the window. Or do you actually mean "permalink" for the slideshow?

By the way, I'd like to see the new slideshow plugin (when it is finished) also implemented into visual index as "on click" option.

xikki / 2012-11-16 09:43:46   

thanks, this is just what i wanted!!
i was talking about the "overlay" function, not "permalink". it does resize images on load, but if max image size is put on fullpx, it doesnt really work (at least on android.)
it loads a big image, and gets stuck...
so, the option of adding other max sizes is what i need in order to find the best phone/monitor size. for the time being. i am hoping that in some time there will be some scale on resize option...

Behrendt / 2013-06-24 15:44:05   

I tried this, and the images are now displayed properly with 1000px. But it seems that the images generated from the source file are still only 700px and get scaled to 1000px. I already tried reuploading the pictures and it didn't work. Is there any way to generate proper 1000px images automatically?

Vaska A / 2013-06-24 23:46:21   

What do you mean by "proper 1000px"?

If the source files are 700px then you have a problem because you don't want images being upscaled - they will look awful. Indexhibit does not upscale images...

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