Turning off swap Image Thumbnails in Deux Columns

FliccC / 2012-11-18 01:13:42   


I'm using the Deux Columns Plugin and so far everything is working as I like. Images are in the left column, text is in the right column.

My problem:
As default if you click on an image in the left column, a larger image shows up in the right column. I'd like ONLY the Thumbnails to be visible, so that you can't click on them and that you can't see the large-size pictures. My reasoning was to try remove the link from the images in exhibit.deux_column.php - but couldn't find it. How do you do it?

my site: flutwerk.com/MoritzMetzner/…

thanks for your patience, I hope you can help me :)

FliccC / 2012-11-20 22:21:36   

Is bumping allowed here? I would really like some assistance here :)

To clarify: I don't want any image to appear in the right column. The thumbnails are enough for me. How can I do this?


FliccC / 2012-11-23 09:44:45   

Alright, I managed to do it! It was quite easy actually! If you want to use what I did, my exhibit.deux_column.php looks now like this:

  1. <?php if defined'SITE' exit'No direct script access allowed'

* Dexu column
* Exhbition format
* inspired by miaandjem.com
* @version 1.0
* @author Vaska

// defaults from the general libary - be sure these are installed
$exhibit['dyn_css'] = dynamicCSS();
$exhibit['dyn_js'] = dynamicJS();
$exhibit['exhibit'] = createExhibit();

function createExhibit()
    $OBJ =& get_instance();
    global $rs, $exhibit;
    $pages = $OBJ->db->fetchArray("SELECT *
        FROM ".PX."media
        WHERE media_ref_id = '$rs[id]'
        ORDER BY media_order ASC, media_id ASC");
    if ($pages)
        $i = 0; $a = '';
        foreach ($pages as $go)
            $title         = ($go['media_title'] == '') ? 'N/A' : $go['media_title'];
            $caption     = ($go['media_caption'] == '') ? 'N/A' : $go['media_caption'];
            $png        = ($go['media_mime'] == 'png') ? " class='png'" : '';
            $a .= "nn";
        $a .= "n

    // images
    $s .= "n";
    $s .= "n";
    $s .= $a;
    $s .= "n";
    // text
    $s .= "n";
    $s .= $rs['content'];
    $s .= "n";
    $s .= "n";
    $s .= $rs['content'];
    $s .= "n";
    $s .= "nn";
    $s .= "n";
    return $s;

function dynamicCSS()
    return "#d-col1 { float: left; width: 290px; }
    #d-col2 { margin-left: 290px; padding-top: 50px;}
    #d-col1 img { padding-top: 50px; }
    #hidden-text { display: none; }";

function dynamicJS()
    global $rs;
    $tile = ($rs['tiling'] != 1) ? ", backgroundRepeat: 'no-repeat'" : '';
        return "function swapImg(a, image)
        var the_path = '" . BASEURL . GIMGS ."/' + image;
        show = new Image;
        show.src = the_path;
        var img = '';
        var title = $('#img' + a).attr('title');
        var caption = $('#img' + a).attr('alt');
        if (title != 'N/A')
            caption = (caption != 'N/A') ? ': ' + caption : '';

            img = img + '
' + title + caption + '';
    function swapText()
        var text = $('#hidden-text').html();


FliccC / 2012-11-23 09:48:48   

Something went wrong with the code Tags, unfortunately It seems to be impossible to edit a post.

However, problem resolved, topic can now be closed. :)

This thread has been closed, thank you.