Changing menu margin effects thickbox

ssperlich / 2013-01-08 10:37:08   

Hi there, before I destroy my site any further is someone able to help me with this.

I wanted the image on my main page to line up with the menu. I followed a thread that suggested adding this line to my style.css

#menu .container { padding-left: 20px }

While this worked it has effected the thickbox style as applied to this page:

ie the images are no longer contained within a box.

arsondpi / 2013-01-08 12:51:32   

I don't understand what you're trying to do since the menu doesn't seem to align with your images...
If you mean that the images are all in one column and you'd like them to be in rows then delete the display: block; property from the img tag (style.css line 75)

ssperlich / 2013-01-11 08:09:16   

Brilliant! That worked :)

This thread has been closed, thank you.