Change max exhibit limit of 50 images?

schrochem / 2013-01-19 17:41:11   

Is there a way to change this so I can have an exhibit of 100 instead of 50?

Vaska A / 2013-01-20 00:34:18   

Yes, the default lives in /ndxzsite/config/options.php.

But, be aware, that the larger this number gets the more possible it is that your webhost has problems with the uploads. Give it a try though...I hope it works out well...

schrochem / 2013-01-21 12:47:27   

I had looked there and didn't see it. I looked again and still don't see the limit for the number of images. I see the limit for the number of upload at a time and the size limit but not the limit or images of 50 per exhibit.
However, I think I'll stick with 50 so it doesn't take too long too load the page,performance, etc.

Vaska A / 2013-01-21 13:18:46   

There is no limit to the number of images that you can have in an exhibit - never was.

This thread has been closed, thank you.