horizontal slide show floating

juanmartinezphotography / 2013-02-12 03:06:58   

my site is

  1. i have these two images in the horizontal plugin.
  2. this is the code that i have in the the horizontal.php: 
  3. $a .= "<div style=' align='left'>n";
  4. $a .= "<div style='float:left'>n";
  5. $a .= "<img src='" . BASEURL . GIMGS . "/$go[media_file]' height='100%' alt='" . BASEURL . GIMGS . "/$go[media_file]' />n";
  6. $a .= "<div class='captioning'>$title</div>n";
  7. $a .= "</div>n";
  8. $a .= "</div>nn";

now, when i refresh the page, the images align but as i resize the images, they either separate or overlap. i would like to keep them next to each other as they resize to the window size.

thank you.

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