hide some section from visual index

zo2studios / 2013-06-03 09:00:00   


zo2.ch this is my webpage

and i would like to know if it's possible to hide the icon of "publications", "about us" and "links" from the main page but still have it in the menu.

thanks in advance

arsondpi / 2013-06-03 11:05:00   

Edit the sections, click Page Options and set Hide from Index to On.

zo2studios / 2013-06-03 11:18:47   

maybe i wasn't clear it's excellently the opposite what i want.
i don't want the icon on the visual index but i want the text in the menu.

if i do "Edit the sections, click Page Options and set Hide from Index to On" it hides the text in the menu and keeps the icon.

was i clear?


arsondpi / 2013-06-03 16:07:24   

then move the exhibits you don't want to another section, from the section that has Visual Index activated*

* I hope the sentence above makes sense :-P

zo2studios / 2013-06-04 11:19:16   

i feel so dummie... i can't understand...

i've Home as a hidden section than

Exhibit options for home:

Media source: ALL (how can i change for personalize sections?? would only to see architecture living, transformation and interiors) default options are
Exhibit / Section / All

Exhibit format: Visual Index

arsondpi / 2013-06-04 15:23:15   

I've thought about this thoroughly and you need to customize things in order to do what you're after*

* which basically is a main homepage that includes in its visual index all pages expect three (publications, about us, links) and have three sections in the index as well (architecture living, transformations, interiors)

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