iframe not working with Picasa

Succubus / 2013-11-22 09:56:21   

Hello you all...
I'm sure someone can help me...
This website used to work so great with each exhibit iframed with Picasa, but since last week the exhibits does not work becasuse they show a white page instead of the Picasa album:
I've been looking everywhere to guess what could have happened... But I found no answer. I've also thought it could be that Picasa properties chaged or so...
Anyone knows what could have happened?
Thanks so much in advance.

arsondpi / 2013-11-22 13:24:12   

Your site has many errors and odditities - sinforey.es/index.php/catalogo/calzado-noviembre/

I started goinf through the code and there's a series of issues - for example you have your favicon inside the body tag, images have spaces in their filenames, special characters are not encoded (© for example), deprecated font tags are wrapping divs and the list goes on.
I reckon these errors break the html structure and closing tags, so I would start by validating your page.

* btw sometimes the domain still goes completely off, meaning that the site sometimes works and sometimes the domain seems not to exist. I'd ask the host about this...

Succubus / 2013-11-22 18:06:37   

Thanks for answering.
I'll try to solve this and see if it works.
Thanks, arsondpi.

arsondpi / 2013-11-22 23:12:24   

check out his page: indexhibit.org/manage/access/

This thread has been closed, thank you.