Media Source: All. For Horizontal

simonjaquemet / 2014-06-11 14:31:32   


I'm trying to have the Horizontal plugin as a start page and have "All" as media source.
I made a copy of Horizontal and added "all" as an option to the settings in the top of the php file. Works well for now. But the functionality to click on the images and get to the matching exhibit does not work. Could anyone guide me on what to add to horizontal to make the images active as links?
Here's the website I'm working on:


simonjaquemet / 2014-06-11 19:23:26   

Update: I managed to do it. If someone is interested I could try to recreate what exactly made it work.

s0ca / 2014-06-25 08:56:50   

Nice work !

I'm curious to know how you did this :)

Good job dude !

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