Horizontal Theme with Scrolling

hewieretep / 2014-06-19 14:12:10   


I am using the horizontal theme on quite a few pages and have implemented the code which allows the mouse to scroll left and right.

For some reason this creates a margin on the left hand side of my text/photos which I don't want. Have tried to find the solution in the format.horizontal.php file (rather than the css) but can't find what I would have to change. Am I even looking in the right place?

Any help would be appreciated. Example page below


hewieretep / 2014-06-19 14:39:10   


figured it out. It was just the padding in my css that I needed to change.

Vaska A / 2014-06-19 14:39:43   

#img-container has a margin-left of 50 you need to remove. I caught this using Firebug.

Nice works! I made things with wood too but I'm not much advanced yet... ;)

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