Login URL to ndxz-studio (old indexhibit version)

melone21 / 2014-06-22 18:38:46   

I lost the saved link to log in to my website and mysite.net/… does not work - it only shows a blank site.
Do I use the wrong link? Or does this have something to do with using an older version?
The rest of the website is online, working just fine.
Any help is greatly appreciated!

melone21 / 2014-07-12 08:46:22   

seems like a similar problem has been described here: indexhibit.org/forum/thread/21217/
Did I understand the answer correctly, and you seriously just shut down the login possibility to any site built with the older version??? This can't be true!
What sort of customer/community relation is that?
Not being able to log in to my site anymore I feel betrayed of MY content I put there that I can not access anymore.
I can understand that you want and need to make money. but there must be other ways then basically shutting down your user's sites? And not even telling them what the problem is. I was looking for ages to login to my site!
Could you clarify that?

Vaska A / 2014-07-12 08:51:52   

We do not control your site - we are not able to control your login from our site. We can not and do not shut down your site - you have forgotten your login/password.

Sorry, but it's been two years since v2 was created, solving all the problems of v1...

And yes, without an income for this project it would no longer exist. I worked for five years supporting our community barely making any income before v2 was released...

We have two options left - shut down or pray that people will support this project. This is what it has come to...free does not sustain independent projects on the web (and we don't have investors or advertise or sell your data to others).

Vaska A / 2014-07-12 09:02:21   

I am still stunned how people don't want to support this project with a simple 25 euro purchase of Indexhibit after all the years of building, supporting and helping people.

I'm not sure why I'm doing this anymore (because I still pay myself very little for all of this work) and I can't even afford to hire people to help. If people still don't realize that we're on the ropes...I don't know how to make them realize this...

melone21 / 2014-07-12 09:45:54   

Thank you for your answer!
I very much understand you.
its not about a wrong password, I can not even enter a password as I just get a blank page through the mysite.com/… link.
I guess I'll have to continue to figure out what is the problem then.. and once I can access again I can deal with upgrading

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