Documenta + Comments (?)

meal / 2014-07-26 03:38:14   

Hi everyone,

I'm hoping somebody could point me in the right direction for this. I'm trying to add a simple comments box for each image on my indexhibit website.

Does anybody know of a plugin that will do this for me? Or an easy way to achieve this?

Many thanks,

Vaska A / 2014-07-26 15:14:53   

I've never seen anybody do this. Indexhibit has never had a commenting system plugin (not much interest). You could try to implement something like Disqus or Livefyre (or whatever they call it).

This would be some work because having mutliple comment blocks on a single page - I haven't seen something like this since 1999 (to be honest).

This thread has been closed, thank you.