showing mutiple images after visual index

Leetomic / 2014-09-08 09:10:04   

Hi folks,

I'm using visual index and it is linked to basic slide show which is great!

but can I add a few more pictures so that slide-show can vertically show a few pictures?

example here…

and my website here

Thank you so much!

Vaska A / 2014-09-08 21:36:51   

I'm making a new Slides format right now that works with Visual Index. You can always add images and video in the textarea if you wish.

Leetomic / 2014-09-09 12:49:06   

Hello Vaska,

It's ASSUME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I look forward to seeing it!
please keep us posted~


Vaska A / 2014-09-09 12:52:27   

I would make it a beta via the forum but it will require a cms update. I'm trying to get this out asap but I just had a setback with somebody working on another part so it might be another couple of weeks...argh. I'm working on it! ;)

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