Section index inviisble

krispykrispy / 2014-10-07 14:10:26   


I have just started working over my website and I cannot see any section titles nor projects names on the left. They seem inactive, even though: Hidden Section in Admin is "NO" and Publish buttom in is set for "ON". When I open separate sctions from my working panel i can preview them but also from there i can't see section names on the left.

When i edit sections text box is also of different size and width and slideshow button to advance slides are not visible neither.

Could you advice on how can i solve this?

thanks in advance

Vaska A / 2014-10-07 14:29:59   

Because you made them white. Go into Admin > Plugins > Indexhibit style and select colors for all of the links (right now you have selected white).

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