how to change menu size in Indexhibit 2.0?

ignacionavas / 2014-10-23 10:23:43   

Hi! I recently updated to Indexhibit 2.0 with a new installation but now i'm trying to recreate my old theme but i'm having problems with the size of the menu font. How can I change it? In style? I'm trying but it doesn't work :S

Vaska A / 2014-10-23 10:41:21   

Yes, /ndxzsite/default/style.css

It's set in body but you could target it more specifically via #index.

ignacionavas / 2014-10-23 11:12:09   

Thanks Vaska, I found it in this line

#index ul { list-style: none; margin: 0; }

I just had to add "font-size:24px; line-height: 1.3em;"

thanks so much! :-)

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