Yellow text box appears on homepage image

hermannloverberg / 2014-11-08 20:30:52   

Hi there

When you hover over the homepage image at and leave the cursor there for a second or two a small yellow text box appears. You can't enter anything in it, and it disappears when you move the cursor away. Can I get rid of it completely?! Hope it's a really simple one :)



Vaska A / 2014-11-10 11:44:22   

Why not switch that to the Over and Over format - I think it will take care of the problem and look indentical.

The No Thumbs format probably shouldn't be released anymore since nobody ever uses it - it's usefulness has been usurped by other formats long ago.

hermannloverberg / 2014-11-10 12:49:13   

Sorted! Thanks Vaska... Indeed it was a simple one, but not simple enough for me :)


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