upload images size problem

ewakelin / 2014-11-15 02:33:11   

I recently got indexhibit. I have begun uploading images onto the site. It doesnt seem to let me upload anything greater that 200KB if i upload even a 250KB file I get an error saying the image is too large. I contacted my webhoster, which conformed that my max upload size is 2mb. Please help!

Vaska A / 2014-11-17 13:20:24   

Many threads around here on this already - you case set the upload limit in /ndxzsite/config/options.php. If you read any of these threads, you'll see why it's set at 200kb out of the box.

You will likely never be able to upload a 2mb image to your server - it will crash (which is not an Indexhibit limitation but a hosting limitation).

ewakelin / 2014-11-18 03:57:52   

thanks so much

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