How insert a logo at the top of the index?

adelineroch / 2014-11-19 10:41:06   

I'm a beginner in english and with indexhibits.

davidsmitfot / 2014-11-20 07:35:26   

I have put the html in the 'Pre-Nav Text' on the 'Theme' tab. To have the image availabe I created a hidden exhibit that holds images for use in the site. Here you can see the result.

  1. <a href='/' title='{{obj_name}}'><img src="/files/gimgs/toplogo.png" width="180" /></a>

Obviously you'd replace toplogo with your own logo and the width to your desired width (or leave it out completely).

davidsmitfot / 2014-11-20 07:36:18   

* apparently the link failed. Sorry about that. is the correct url.

adelineroch / 2014-12-17 09:46:09   

Thank you very much!
I created the hidden section and have uploaded the logo, a square appears but not the image. I think the path i put is not correct...

/files(section)/gimgs(section path)/

adelineroch / 2014-12-17 10:19:56   

I understood what are files and gimgs, thanks a lot!

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