I am getting this prompt 1.19 MB Error File is too big

aluisbarron / 2015-03-14 16:51:08   

I am trying to upload images to my exhibit and I keep getting this error. My images are below 2MB and there seems to be no issues with my hosting site. Has anyone else encountered this?

the_jil / 2015-03-15 06:50:47   

I'm nearly sure that it is a host thing. Ask your host to set the limit up, or try make the image smaller. 1.9 Mb is maybe also way too big images.

aluisbarron / 2015-03-17 20:39:14   

I've spoke with he hosting site and they said it should be fine. I have resized down to 600 KB and am still getting the same error.

Vaska A / 2015-03-17 21:09:18   

Guys, there are so many threads on this topic already (many years worth). The limit is 200kb by default but you can change it as you wish...

Just search for the info.

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