deleted indexhibit but the indexexhibit-style listing still shows up on google search?

davidrchomewood / 2015-07-21 04:26:18   


I deleted (I think) all indexhibit files and folders from cyberduck (all that remains are three folders ( [which contains files / folders I uploaded my from computer], 'Maildir' and 'logs')

Instead of indexhibit at the moment I just want to use raw ftp folders

However, when I google my site ( it still shows up with the indexhibit formatted listing (i.e. David Homewood: Main' , 'David Homewood. Projects. This site was built with Indexhibit' etc

How can I remove the indexhibit formatted google listing for my website?

Best wishes

Vaska A / 2015-07-21 04:39:36   

Tell Google to stop the old indexing. It takes time, as well.

This isn't an Indexhibit issue - it's a Google issue.

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