Just get a blank page during installation

espegeland / 2016-06-04 10:05:07   


I followed every step down to the every detail, during the installation it says that all the files are ok, sends me to the form you fill out with database information, but when it´s filled out I´m just sendt to a blank page(!) where I should come to the page where you change indexhibit password... How do I solve this?

Thanks for any reply!:)

Frido / 2016-06-30 13:09:07   

I got the same problem! Can anyone explain or help? THX

decycle / 2016-07-20 21:30:51   

I have just had the same issue.
Have tried with Safari and Chrome and double checked all steps.
thanks for your help!

decycle / 2016-07-20 21:33:14   

checked through the forum and someone posted this:

Update on the above: it was 100% an issue with running Indexhibit on PHP 7. Once the downgrade to PHP 5.6 was complete, I was able to install Indexhibit without a problem.

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