Thumbnails size

eorehitna / 2007-08-04 00:17:56   


I use the thickbox for make a simple image gallery whit little thumbnails, but the thumbs change about the width size of the image... its possible to make the same size for all thumbnails?, i like a lot the thumbnails of the dragAndDrop menu in the edit page...

many thanks! and sorry for my english

Vaska A / 2007-08-04 07:35:35   

Yes, you can edit the sizes of the thumbnails from within the /ndxz-studio/defaults.php file. Look around, it's in there...just follow the pattern.

eorehitna / 2007-08-04 12:08:05   

Hi Vaska,

many thanks for your fast reply, I see the sizes in defaults.php file thanks!, and I have a little question more about the image sizes, its possible make the thumbnails with the same width and height for all thumbs? like a 50px X 50 px?

Thanks :)

Vaska A / 2007-08-04 16:48:36   

It depends upon what you want...but Indexhibit makes two thumbnails for you...

- th_...
_ sys_...

The system thumbnail, which you see in the editing preview, is at 75x75px. You can access this one if you want. I believe the 'backgrounded' thumbnail uses this.

So, square thumbnails are there...but for the moment we do use the th_ thumbnails in most exhibit plugins.

adriangtz / 2009-06-08 01:47:59   

hello people,
i might have the same situation of eorehitna, I've put all my thumbnails in 200px with the thickbox format (my personal favorite), but I uploaded some images that are very "width-y" hehe mmm sorry I forgot the word and they don't show at the same height as the other sections.

I wonder if there's any way I can make all my images the same height size, like the London gallery (and all my other galleries). ???

By the way, thanks very much and congratulations for this wonderful tool!

arsondpi / 2009-06-08 07:01:01 me a favour do this: delete all the banksy pix, save exhibit, choose the 200px thumbnail size reupload your images...

see if that works. Basically you have to choose your thumbnail size before you upload the images.
Thumbnail sizes can't change size after you upload them.... (yet...!)

adriangtz / 2009-06-08 17:50:23   

Hello arsondpi, thanks for your tips, man.
I already tried this, I erased them, saved and uploaded again with the 200px option on but it still doesn't work, it's because I have 4 images, two of them are very long (not the typical format for a photo, but a panoramic), when I erase those two, I get again the correct size of thumbnails, so I guess it's something indexhibit does so I don't have this reaaally long thumbnails, is that it? is there any way to fix this?

Vaska A / 2009-06-08 17:53:25   

Isn't the height on the Thickbox format dynamic? It creates the height based upon the smallest (height) thumbnail and then sets them all at that height. So, it would be normal for them to not appear 'right'.

I think...I'm pretty sure it works this way.

lemathieu A / 2009-06-08 18:01:14   

in fact indexhibit resized you images at 200px of width.

adriangtz / 2009-06-08 20:37:59   

mmmm yeah I'm not sure, I've tried several things here but I really don't know, it gives me the same if I put 100, 150 or 200 pxs
I guess indexhibit does some resizing of the big images, i'll be sticking to this in the meantime
thanks anyway!

Vaska A / 2009-06-08 20:38:58   

Did you shift + refresh?

krijj / 2009-07-02 12:33:19   

In the MySql table object there is a default value '200' for thumbs.

Cameron / 2009-07-04 05:51:21   

My content images are legal size (U.S. 14" x 8.5") at 150 dpi. When I change the thumbnail size and/or image display size, nothing changes. Should I just shrink the dpi/dimensions of my images to make it so I can edit the thumbnail and display sizes?

arsondpi / 2009-07-04 08:16:15   

You have to choose thumb and display size prior to upload.
To change the current thumb and display size, delete the image choose your settings and reupload.
Also images for the web should be @ 72 dpi.
Type "prepare images for web use" in a web search box for more info...

bertalexis / 2009-07-12 02:03:27   

I have the same problem: thumbnails won't display at another size even when I select it before uploading the pics.

Would someone have a quick look?

Vaska A / 2009-07-12 07:31:28   

On that format the thumbnails don't change size...

bertalexis / 2009-07-12 09:37:28   

Good to know ;)
Is there a way to change it within the code?

Vaska A / 2009-07-12 10:01:51   

Yes, just edit the exhibition format itself...the code is in the plugins folder.

bertalexis / 2009-07-12 10:57:44   

cheers Vaska A

Anki / 2009-10-13 20:14:01   

hello Veska A,
but where i have to edit the exhibition format. i can't find the right place to fixed the height.

Vaska A / 2009-10-14 07:55:45   


hwm187 / 2010-04-01 02:47:19   

Hi Vaska / Others -

I trying to get thumbnails in thickbox to be 50px X 50px. I have changed the defaults.php to 50px (for the '100' size). This leaves me with smaller thumbnails, but not square. I then edited the thickbox.php from "/th-$height[media_file]" to "/sys-$height[media_file]", trying to call the system thumbnails, but now my thumbs do not square, and in fact enlarge past 50px (and get pixalated). What am i missing?

thanks for the help!!!

arsondpi / 2010-04-01 07:54:37   

have you got an address with a thickbox example?

hwm187 / 2010-04-01 14:18:39   

sure thing - check here drawings page

arsondpi / 2010-04-01 15:01:48   

I'm only guessing here - find this:

        $a .= "\n<a href='" . BASEURL . GIMGS . "/$go[media_file]' title='$go[media_title]' class='thickbox' rel='gallery-plants'><img src='" . BASEURL . GIMGS . "/th-$go[media_file]' alt='$go[media_caption]' height='$lowest' /></a>\n";

and change to this:

        $a .= "\n<a href='" . BASEURL . GIMGS . "/$go[media_file]' title='$go[media_title]' class='thickbox' rel='gallery-plants'><img src='" . BASEURL . GIMGS . "/sys-$go[media_file]' alt='$go[media_caption]' height='$lowest' /></a>\n";

Obviously you'd have to set 50px as the thumbnail size and reupload the images...

hwm187 / 2010-04-02 01:34:27   

Ok, getting square images now, but re-uploaded thumbs are coming out as 100px instead of 50px (which i set up in the defaults.php). where exactly do you set px size for the sys thumbs?

drawings page

i appreciate the help big time!!

hwm187 / 2010-04-02 02:03:21   

arsondpi - I am abandoning ship, i found the Dejave plugin which basically does what i wanted. thanks for your help though!

ajens / 2010-04-13 01:32:40   

Hi everyone, I am new to this and have been pulling my hair over this. I have worked out how to make larger thumbnails in the default.php and understand that the thickbox makes it thumbnails with a dynamic height (smallest height thumbnail) in the exhibit.thickbox.php?? How can I stop it using the smallest height thumbnail to set the height of the rest of the gallery thumbnails? ie - set a static height of say 120px?? I believe this is where I should be looking in the exhibit.thickbox.php?
foreach ($pages as $height)
        $height = getimagesize(DIRNAME . GIMGS . "/th-$height[media_file]");
        $find_smallest_height[] = $height[1];
    sort($find_smallest_height, SORT_NUMERIC);
    $lowest = array_pop($find_smallest_height);
    $i = 1; $a = '';

Any help is much appreciated.

Pandii / 2011-09-08 20:21:57   

Vaska & all,
After much research I still have a few questions regarding editing the thumbnail size in the Thickbox option. here is an example.
I want to edit the grid of the 'Thickbox' exhibition format to display:
a) same height, width & distance between thumbnails ie, the same viewable (thumbnail) sizes.
b) only 5 thumbnail across
c) position of the thumbnails on the page

Ok, So I understand there are two thumbnails:
- th_...
(exhibits/ front-end) Thickbox option

_ sys_...
(system/ back-end) on upload

The codes are contained within 'defaults.php' (located: /ndxz-studio/defaults.php) and 'exhibit.thickbox.php' (located: /ndxz-studio/site/plugin/exhibit.thickbox.php)

My question is
If I wish to have a square thumbnail 77 x 77 pixels, do I edit the default.php code as below?
Where to I edit the border (distance) between the thumbnails?
And where can I position the thumbnails on my page?

  2. code from........
  3. // basic sizes for images and thumbnails uploading
  4. $default['thumbsize'] = array(100 =>100, 150 => 150, 200 => 200);
  1. edit code to........
  2. // basic sizes for images and thumbnails uploading
  3. $default['thumbsize'] = array(77 =>77, 77 => 77, 77 => 77);

Or do I edit the 'exhibit.thickbox.php' code lines:

  2. Line 69    function dynamicCSS()
  3. Line 70    {
  4. Line 71    return "a.thickbox { border: none; }na.thickbox img { border: 3px solid #fff; margin: 0 6px 9px 0; }";
  5. Line 72    }

Can someone please advise which code and lines I need edit.
Really appreciate it

Pandii / 2011-09-08 21:12:24   

Before anyone answers,
I figured out that changing the 'default.php'* changed the (back-end) upload options
New > Exhibition Name (Project) > Exhibit > Publish = ON / OFF. Exhibition Format = Thickbox and Thumbnail Max Size = 100 px 150px 200px (*changes this)

NOTE: You will need to upload all images again.
Select the Thumbnail Max Size you want
Upload Images.
Still refering to my questions above:
1. – How do I get square thumbnails 75 x 75px?
2. – Where to I edit the border (distance) between the thumbnails?
3. – Where can I position the thumbnails on my page?


pernin / 2011-09-11 08:36:48   

your site address is...?

babas022 / 2011-12-17 16:27:32   

i bump this post, it got my interest on these questions without answers yet.

for keep the thumbnails keep in the square format, shall we looking for the same code indexhibit use for the uploading admin page, there all it's perfectly square! and just copy it to it

but where is the code of these, is the question?

RyanLowry / 2012-01-04 01:53:43   

Where can we find the Dejave plugin?

pernin / 2012-01-04 01:58:50   

@RyanLowry: don't cross-post, already answered

beewoo / 2012-04-10 22:54:27   

Hello! I would like to get the thickbox thumbnails layout to fit into the 840 pixel width I have set for the main part of this website Webpage

I have seen this question asked many times and I have tried to add some code (#img-container { width: 840 px}; at the end of the exhibit.thickbox.php in the dynamicCSS par without success.

can anyone help?
(I am a total newbie)
thanks so much!

beewoo / 2012-04-10 22:54:51   

Hello! I would like to get the thickbox thumbnails layout to fit into the 840 pixel width I have set for the main part of this website Webpage

I have seen this question asked many times and I have tried to add some code (#img-container { width: 840 px}; at the end of the exhibit.thickbox.php in the dynamicCSS par without success.

can anyone help?
(I am a total newbie)
thanks so much!

beewoo / 2012-04-10 23:00:17   

this is one of the pages where the layout of the thmbnails should be controled

like on this website:

I keep going over the source page to see what I can do without success.
Thanks again

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