Installation "Make a Selection"

ntndo / 2009-03-12 15:22:24   

Hey Guys,

I'm trying to install the latest version of ndxz, and when running the install script, I'm noticing that the make a selection has nothing in the drop down menu as far as languages go, and I can't proceed to the next part of the install process.

Suggestions to fix this would be helpful. For now, I'll edit the config.php manually and enter the database details that way.

Vaska A / 2009-03-12 15:25:44   

Hmmm...what kind of server are you on?

Hit me up on the batline chat: Indexhibit

ntndo / 2009-03-12 15:27:50   

Right now it's an WAMP sever. The plan is to develop locally, and launch when the stylesheets, and exhibits are finished.

ntndo / 2009-03-12 15:28:30   

(and, pardon me but I'm lacking nicotine to think clearly, batline?)

Vaska A / 2009-03-12 15:31:34   

Yeah, I've seen issues with WAMP. People have had to tinker around with the settings to get the paths to work.

Oh WAMP on's not going to work.

Well...ok...I'm on chat right now.

Vaska A / 2009-03-12 15:32:48   

Ok...found it...a very nice guy sent this to me...I think it will help...


I saw in the forums that you had several inquiries about windows server support. I'm by no means any experienced PHP programmer, but wanted to use indexhibit locally (with the portable WAMP software "Server2Go") on Windows XP, and started examining the code to see if I could make it work. This far I only needed to double-check the DIRNAME variable, by adding one line (highlighted) to defaults.php:

  1. // improve this later
  2. $adjust = realpath(dirname(__FILE__));
  3. $adjust = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, "/", $adjust);
  4. define('BASENAME', '/ndxz-studio');
  5. define('DIRNAME', str_replace(BASENAME, '', $adjust));

This should convert the output from realpath to unix-style directory, so that the str_replace function works properly (windows recognizes both slashes). Everything works fine this far and I'm going to try it out for a few days. Just wanted to let you know that I'm testing it, and if you can think of other things that could possibly go wrong, just let me know...

ntndo / 2009-03-12 15:33:03   

Ah then that explains it. It's no biggie, just didn't feel like uploading page changes every 10 minutes when I'm working on CSS. But I'll manage.


(and which chat are you talking about, I'm still lost)

Vaska A / 2009-03-12 15:34:21   

ichat/aim: Indexhibit

ntndo / 2009-03-12 15:34:54   

That worked flawlessly. Thanks

lemonever / 2009-06-08 14:11:13   

Hi Vaska and all,

After adding that 3rd line into defaults.php, I am still having this problem -


which obviously causing problem
Note the extra forward slash

Anything that I missed?

Vaska A / 2009-06-08 14:12:50   

You are working on a Mac?

lemonever / 2009-06-08 14:18:13   

nope Windows XP with WAMP
managed to get it up on local, with this small problem

Vaska A / 2009-06-08 14:20:46   

Honestly, I don't know much about MS stuff...if the instructions aren't clear and get it done then I'm not really sure what to say. As far as I know (which isn't much), everybody who has tried to do this change has made things work.

lemonever / 2009-06-08 14:25:59   

hmm perhaps i have missed something or did something wrong, i will do another recheck

if anyone can help that'll be great~

thanks a lot Vaska!

glipzcom / 2009-10-06 01:31:29   

Hi, So I also was trying to defy the conventional wisdom that this couldnt be used on a Windows server (I get free hosted space, and thats what they use.)

So I made the suggested changes above, which made it so I could run the installer on the server, i had the site there, but the the themes were failing, so it looked like a mess.

But a one line change has gotten it seemingly working for me.

  1. What I eventualy found to work so far is to change this line in the defaults.php file:
  2. define('BASEURL', preg_replace("//$/i", '', $base)); // no trailing slashes
  3. to:
  4. define('BASEURL', ''); // no trailing slashes

Knowing absolutely nothing about what that line actually effects I can't promise it will work once you start doing any major mods.

ericamattos / 2010-06-21 06:35:27   

thank you for the solution!

Adri / 2011-04-30 11:05:45   


I discovered to late that my webhost only uses windows servers. After contacting the helpdesk, they gave me some very helpful suggestions to make Indexhibit work on a windows server. It didn't work immediately, but after some tweaking it finally works for me. This is what I did:

in the file ndxz-studiodefaults.php, change this code:

$adjust = realpath(dirname(__FILE__));

define('BASENAME', '/ndxz-studio');
define('DIRNAME', str_replace(BASENAME, '', $adjust));

  1. $self = (dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == '/') ? '' : dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
  2. $base = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $self . '/';
  3. $base = str_replace(BASENAME, '', $base);
  4. define('BASEURL', preg_replace('//$/i', '', $base)); // no trailing slashes

to this code:

$adjust = '/domains/';

define('BASENAME', '/ndxz-studio');
define('DIRNAME', str_replace(BASENAME, '', $adjust));

  1. $self = (dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == '/') ? '' : dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
  2. $base = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $self ;
  3. $base = str_replace('', '', $base);
  4. $base = str_replace(BASENAME, '', $base);
  5. define('BASEURL', preg_replace('//$/i', '', $base)); // no trailing slashes

Replace with your website adres, and make sure the Indexhibit files are installed in your www-root.


In the file ndxz-studiolibfront.php





And finally it is suggested to use PHP4 instead of 5, because of the CRT warnings. Normally you can change this in the settings panel of your webhost. Otherwise contact your webhost.

This should do the job.



This thread has been closed, thank you.