flickr for indexhibit

andrewz / 2009-05-23 16:12:55   

YO! any word on a flickr plugin for indexhibit? I have been searching and searching and heard some rumors but is there anything available yet???

arsondpi / 2009-05-23 17:11:13   

not yet. But I heard a rumour...

paucc A / 2009-05-23 20:28:52   

aaaah ... rumors, rumors .....

Vaska A / 2009-05-23 22:50:03   


arsondpi / 2009-05-24 04:00:56   
iwakami / 2009-05-24 09:28:54   


oliver / 2009-06-10 09:23:57   

hi all,

though i guess this might be included in the upcoming indexhibit version i needed it right now.
and as others asked for this a lot too, i'm going to share it with you ...

the plugin displays your flickr stream in an exhibition giving you options for size, tag, caption and limit

there's only one problem with this solution: it will only work on servers with php5 installed


  1. Put the plugin file into the indexhibit plugin folder and set up an exhibit with the following plugin code:
  2. plug:ndxz_flickr_rss id='YourFlickrID', size='0-4', tag='', caption='0-1', limit='1-20'

Size, Tag, Caption and Limit are optional.

Size defaults to medium image size: 500px width
Square: 0 / Thumb: 1 / Small: 2 / Medium: 3 / Large: 4

If you want to pull only images with a certain tag then simply set the tag variable.
Otherwise you'll get the whole stream of your public images.

If want your image title to show up as a caption underneath the image set caption to 1
By default it is set to false / no caption

If you want to limit the output simply set the number of images you want to display
It defaults to the 20 images the flickr rss feed offers.

To style the output each image got a surrounding div with the class flickr_photo


Download: Flickr rss Plugin

If you find bugs or have ideas for improvements then let me know ...

Vaska A / 2009-06-10 11:27:14   

Nice one Oliver...the new version does have this already but I'll take a look at your code and see if there is something I've missed.


bertalexis / 2009-07-13 20:56:32   

It doesn't work for me. This is what I get.

A few questions to check if I did right:
- I have PHP 5.2.9, would there be any problem with that?
- The flickr ID is the yahoo ID, right? (I tried other things I believe could have been my ID but same problem)
- The code "plug:ndxz_flickr_rss (...) limit='1-20'" should be paste into the text zone of the exhibit, right?

bertalexis / 2009-07-13 21:43:26   

OK, I found a by-pass
But I can not manage to get the background in an other color than white. Could this be due to the full background plugin?
The page

superduper321 / 2010-01-29 12:21:08   

I really need to load Pictures automatically from flickr into my indexhibit site (best, ein horizontal style) ! Is there any solution? a script or something? please can someone help me out!? would be so great!


Vaska A / 2010-01-29 13:27:18   



Unless you dig around the web and look for a javascript based solution to facilitate things for you.


djjeck / 2010-06-26 23:02:31   

I'm building a script that lets you create a new exhibition by selecting a set from your flickr photostream (using flickr APIs and copying images from flickr to your server).

I already wrote the flickr APIs part, I only need integration with indexhibit.
I'd like to make something reusable, so I'm looking for the best method to integrate something like this.

Since you can't really create a plugin for making an exhibition, but only for displaying it, I'm trying to create a standalone page that independently interacts with the MySQL database.
Is this a good choice? Should I instantiate indexhibit objects? wouldn't it be inappropriate and of difficult installation?

Anyone interested in helping out there? =)

Vaska A / 2010-06-26 23:33:44   

Trust's covered already (just not public yet).

The way for you to do this for yourself though is simply via a plugin or even an exhibition format - you can input everything you need into the file that way.

Vaska A / 2010-06-26 23:48:15   

Wait, downloading to the server? Does Flickr allow this...or even care? Some images are huge too...

Send me a note...let's chat about this. ;)

contact [at] indexhibit [dot] org

djjeck / 2010-06-27 17:34:09   

update: my flickr plugin is done, but I'll keep it private, waiting for the new indexhibit version, which will natively include flickr support.
If anyone wants more information about it anyway, feel free to contact me: djjeck aat

And thank you Vaska!

Vaska A / 2010-06-27 21:08:56   

What? We've never heard of Flickr around here...


c64admin / 2010-09-29 20:00:10   

:) Where is new version?

Vaska A / 2010-09-29 20:04:42   

My dog ate it.

MRPW / 2010-10-23 17:58:05   

when is this happening?

This thread has been closed, thank you.