Link from nav to html page I made?

kauguston / 2009-07-26 02:06:44   

Hi all,

Is it possible to link from the navigation to an html page that I've created?


nushkadolls / 2009-07-26 07:36:51   

Ooh this is exactly the question I want to know too! I want to link directly from my nav to external pages.... I'm sure it's something very easy... but can someone point us in the right direction?

nushkadolls / 2009-07-26 08:04:24   

Hey kauguston - just thought I'd let you know I have ended up doing the external links through the 'post-nav' area in your Settings - I saw Vaska had said this was one way of doing it in another thread...

  1. This is how I did mine to my external blog (not sure if this will work?:
  2. <a href="" target="_blank" >blog</a>

Hope that helps with your site?? I guess unfortunately it means these links either have to be at the top of the menu (pre-nav) or at the bottom. Works for me... but maybe not for everyone!

nushkadolls / 2009-07-26 08:05:39   

Oh - and this is my site if you want to see it in action: Dolls

cruz / 2009-07-26 11:45:59   

You can also opt for hidding the section title (in Display Section Title off, that way they'll appear more as independent links, you can also have them permanently open if you're using Ross's expanding menus) and then have those pages inside indexhibit, built-in as indexhibit pages or iframed. Try it ;)

kwmaher / 2009-07-26 16:04:19   

In the same way that the standard exhibit link back is done in the themes index.php file:

  1. <ul>
  2. <li><a href=''>My link</a></li>
  3. </ul>
  4. <ul>
  5. <li>Built with <a href=''>Indexhibit</a></li>
  6. </ul>
kauguston / 2009-07-26 21:39:56   

Thanks so much, everyone!

kwmahar, can you give me a bit more details? I'm a bit confused as to what you mean. thanks!

kwmaher / 2009-07-26 22:37:09   

The navigation links are just an unordered list. The main navigation pages are generated dynamically by indexhibit, but the standard "built with indexhibit" link is just tagged onto the end.

In the index.php file within your theme, you will find the menu - a bit of code that looks like this:

  1. <div id='menu'>
  2. <div class='container'>

  • Built with Indexhibit
    1. </div>    
    2. </div>
    You can slot more links in as a
  • like this:
    1. <div id='menu'>
    2. <div class='container'>

  • link
  • Built with Indexhibit
    1. </div>    
    2. </div>

    hope this makes sense.

    Of course, it would probably be better to iframe it as cruz suggested so it would stay within the control of the indexhibit navigation.

    kwmaher / 2009-07-26 22:46:18   

    ^ balls, that code didn't render as expected.

    looks like this:

    1. < div id='menu'>
    2. < div class='container'>
    3. < %obj_itop%>
    4. < plug:front_index/>
    5. < %obj_ibot%>
    6. < !-- you must provide a link to Indexhibit on your site someplace - thank you -->
    7. < ul>
    8. < li>Built with < a href=''>Indexhibit< /a>< /li>
    9. < /ul>
    10. < /div>¬†¬†¬†¬†
    11. < /div>

    this is how you's stick a link in:

    1. < div id='menu'>
    2. < div class='container'>
    3. < %obj_itop%>
    4. < plug:front_index/>
    5. < %obj_ibot%>
    6. < ul>
    7. < li>< a href=''>Link< /a>< /li>
    8. < /ul>
    9. < !-- you must provide a link to Indexhibit on your site someplace - thank you -->
    10. < ul>
    11. < li>Built with < a href=''>Indexhibit< /a>< /li>
    12. < /ul>
    13. < /div>¬†¬†¬†¬†
    14. < /div>

    (note, I've had to put a space after every "

    eky / 2009-10-25 17:02:58   

    hey all-

    in continuing with the spirit of this thread, i was wondering if anyone could aid me in having one of the section titles themselves link directly to an external url, rather than having the linked slapped on at the end. hope that question made sense!


    Zergaloth / 2009-11-18 20:06:18   

    same question as Eky here.
    I want one of my menu items to be a link to an external webpage. So under the Info header I have the 'main' link which goes to my main site, but I would like another menu-item underneath that which would be a link.
    Can this be done?

    lisanne / 2010-01-26 17:21:07   

    Same question here. On my site I want only 'READ MY COLUMN' as an external link.

    This thread has been closed, thank you.