Scroll bar help

cmurph / 2009-10-30 01:00:30   

hey guys, my site I am working on is here >

When the browser size is minimized a scroll appears attached to the menu, I am hoping to get rid of this. When this happens a vertical scroll also appears on the exhibit/ content section allowing it to be scrolled independently to the menu. How could I lock the index and exhibit section together so they are only able to scroll vertically when minimized using the browser sidebar.

Hope this makes some sense. Appreciate any help you can give.

cmurph / 2009-10-30 04:13:16   

ok bit of an update, I have managed to get rid of the scroll bar in the menu, but am still wanting to get the menu and content scrolling vertically together while also keeping the content scrolling behind the menu... hope that makes sense...

arsondpi / 2009-10-30 08:31:32   

change position: fixed; to position: absolute; in your #menu.

cmurph / 2009-10-31 00:01:55   

Thanks mate this works however it also stops the content from scrolling under the menu, is there a way to lock it together but still allow the horizontal movement?

arsondpi / 2009-10-31 09:15:33   

Not that I can think of - maybe someone has some other idea...

cmurph / 2009-11-01 05:25:43   

thanks for your help arsondpi it is very much appreciated.
I still have not managed to work this one out but am not overly worried about it.

let me know if anyone has further thoughts on this.


lordszenator / 2010-01-26 00:12:24   

Hello cmurph,

I cannot answer your original querry, sorry. But I admire how your exhibit moves beneath the fixed position of your index without the presence of a vertical scroll bar.

May I ask how you managed to do that?

qdong13 / 2010-01-26 06:01:20   

Awesome site, cmurph.

Could you or anyone else tell me how to make the menu transparent like cmurph's?

This thread has been closed, thank you.