Centered Theme fixed menu / pre nav

gself2009 / 2009-12-21 13:00:32   

Hi All, I am just getting my head round most CSS and java issues as this is still fairly new to me, however, what I am trying to achieve is to have the menu and pre nav text fixed with the centered theme.

at the moment, when you scroll through the images the menu and logo go with it.

I tried fixing it in CSS using 'position: fixed;' that half does the job but I want it to be fixed only on one axis so when you scroll right (through horizontal exhibit plugin) it stays, but when scroll down the page it goes away.

if that makes sense to anyone can you please help!

thanks very much for indexhibit. donations on the way when ive finished my site.


arsondpi / 2009-12-22 21:46:28   

Well not a real easy way of doing this but when having vertical content you could include

  1. <style¬†type='text/css'>#menu¬†{¬†position:¬†absolute;¬†}</ style>

Try it.
...kudos for those Hospital Records photoshoot.

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