Navigation and Styling question

deusexmachina / 2010-01-25 17:50:43   

I am new to utilizing Indexhibit as a web builder tool and very new to site construction in general, so have been looking around for some good inspiration and fiddling around with scripts etc.

There is one site in particular that intrigued me:

My question is how is the navigation achieved where the home random image background is hidden when, as an example, clicking on 'fashion' in the navigation menu, it reveals a full window slideshow while still having the site logo and animated menu bar on top with a black background?

wordy, run-on question, my apologies.

arsondpi / 2010-01-25 18:24:46   

well -it's a heavily customised site. I'd suggest to email Stefano and kindly ask for a headstart or even how he did it...

deusexmachina / 2010-01-25 18:58:23   


do you have any insight in the meantime as to how it was accomplished? Any general knowledge would be helpful.

arsondpi / 2010-01-25 19:08:12   

He used jquery to get things done - a look at his code will give you an idea.
(btw I don't get why people disable right clicks on their sites... - whatever they're after is not going to work)

deusexmachina / 2010-01-25 19:27:54   

thanks, I'll take a gander and see if I can make any sense out of it.

(I suppose it's to deter the less internet literate from stealing stuff...)

deusexmachina / 2010-02-01 23:56:01   

Does anyone know how to produce a secure site in which images can not be stolen through developer tools/script views etc? i.e. can you make your scripts hidden or reference links hidden?

This thread has been closed, thank you.