Tweaked out menu etc.

deusexmachina / 2010-02-11 08:37:28   

I'm aware that this particular site is created utilizing flash, however, it seems like something could be created similarly to the menu.


Does anyone have the knowledge on creating an expanding menu like this? Or perhaps could provide some pointers in creating one? Would this be akin to creating a submenu within a submenu with multiple triggers?

deusexmachina / 2010-02-11 08:39:24   

I also wonder whether the image shifting effect when the images first load could be created using javascript...

Anywho. Thought this site was worth sharing to the community.

arsondpi / 2010-02-11 08:43:06   

yes... all these things can be achieved with javascript... quite advanced to put them together though...

shootinglondon / 2010-06-15 01:01:13   

whoa. hardcore....I am though interested in a simple submenu within a dropdown/extending menu.
How is that to be achieved?

arsondpi / 2010-06-15 06:12:34   

Check the Useful Threads - there's a couple explanatory links...

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