visitor numbers.

Leetomic / 2012-11-03 13:43:16   

I used to use indexhibit 1 for about 1 and half year. and there are many visitors since i started. but i now use indexhibit 2. i didn't update it. i just remake the new website with indexibit 2. my question is, is there any way to add the previous visitors number to my new website?
Now the statistic starts from zero.haha.
for your information, i backup all datas.

Please let me know~~

Vaska A / 2012-11-03 13:53:50   

No, it's not possible. The old version used the database for statistics in a way that was not very smart - the new version does things much nicer. Unfortunately, people will lose their old statistics...

Leetomic / 2012-11-03 13:57:01   

Oh i see. then, i need to give up.. ㅜㅜ

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