Why upgrade to CMS2?

fourcolourblack / 2013-02-12 22:58:11   

Sorry I'm a little late to the ball here, but I was wondering if its even worth upgrading to CMS2 if I'm pretty happy with how my site (fourcolourblack.com) works and behaves at the moment?

I'm all for upgrading to the newest operating systems in all cases, I'm just concerned something may go wrong and I'll have to spend a while hacking at it to get it right again.

I realise the old CMS is now defunct so I'll have to move at some point, but if it ain't broke, should I try fix it?

Vaska A / 2013-02-12 23:13:25   

It's up to you when you decide to upgrade. You can try the online demo to see the new features.

The upgrade is not a one to one upgrade as we've mentioned but this is the price of some new features and what's coming later. Basically, the old architecture was very limiting.

To be honest, I didn't spend as much time taking care of this project and building Indexhibit 2 because I didn't think it was worth it. Indexhibit needs to evolve if we're going to survive...

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