duplicate an indexhibit website and use it as base for new one

alsostarring / 2015-09-30 16:25:15   

I search a bit the forum and couldn't find the answer to my problem.
I'll try to make myself clear.
I have a website, which I built with indexhibit (brissonrufer.ch).
Now, I would like to use the entire website as a base for a new website, for which I already have a domain (bureaubrisson.ch).
How should i do that? (and I would be happy to buy a second download)

Thanks for your help!

Vaska A / 2015-09-30 18:06:24   

Many thread about this around here already...

1. Copy your existing database (export via PHPMyAdmin)
2. Copy your files
3. Import database to new server/database (via PHPMyAdmin)
4. Upload your files
5. Be sure to update your /ndxzsite/config/config.php with new database settings

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