Images are uploaded but not displayed on website

corinnas / 2016-12-02 09:50:37   

I'm having trouble with uploaded images. I seem to have uploaded them, but the jpeg thumbnails in ndxzstudio are shown as grey boxes with "X"s through them rather than the image I uploaded. When I try to preview the site, the images don't show up at all. I've tried this on Chrome and Safari with the same results. I was originally using Firefox and it didn't let me upload any images whatsoever (which is why I then tried Chrome and Safari).

Anyone have any thoughts on this?

corinnas / 2016-12-04 07:45:28   

So I've been experimenting, and this is what I discovered:

When I use "Save As" on my original photo to make a reduced web version in Preview and upload it, it shows the grey box with the "X" through it. But if I reduce the original file into a web version it works. Not sure why that is. Copy-pasting, and then editing one of the files seems to work as well. Just any file that is a product of "Save As" doesn't work.

Hope this helps anyone with the same problem (I hope I was able to explain it in a way that could be understood)!

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