Installation 2.1

louis999 / 2016-12-20 20:58:22   

Hi, just tried to install 2.1.
I did install older versions in the past without a problem, but this time after selecting language, the status for the folders were all right, except for the htpaccess which had an interrogation point. I could still enter all my infos for the mysql, and then connect, but one past this step, everything is blank. Something obvious I am missing ? If I type, I can connect with the default user password, but can't access anything like Admin...

louis999 / 2016-12-20 20:59:19   

Sorry, I meant

Vaska A / 2016-12-20 21:39:48   

Which version of PHP are you running?

Vaska A / 2016-12-20 22:04:05   

I had it running on PHP 5.4. But, maybe it needs to be on 5.6 or greater only. If your host doesn't provide a really easy way to user newer versions of PHP I would be surprised. 5.4 was released in 2007 if I remember's really old.

And, if you weren't doing a fresh install then the problem is very likely a file that needs to be updated. I'm trying to get the list together for upgrades. I wish I could make it easier but an auto-update system is pretty complicated...wishful thinking right now.

louis999 / 2016-12-21 00:05:58   

Ok, yes, I was running on 5.2 I think. I read on another thread that 5.6 was better, so I changed it, reinstall everything, and it work perfectly except... where as the assets gone ?

Vaska A / 2016-12-21 00:16:52   


I'll make a note of that for the installer. 5.2. is pre 2007...

louis999 / 2016-12-21 01:42:44   

The assets are gone from the admin panel ?

Vaska A / 2016-12-21 02:18:38   

Yes. But, if you were comfortable with them just go to /ndxzstudio/defaults.php and look for this line:

// this drives the tabs in system/admin
$default['system_admin'] = array('theme', 'formats', 'plugins', 'spacer', 'settings', 'sections', 'tag', 'spacer', 'statistics', 'spacer', 'users');

Then, add 'assets' just before 'settings' or wherever you want it.

Assets was experimental and meant for people who know how to use it. It was a bit of a mess for a bunch of people. Maybe I'll make it possible via a plugin later...

louis999 / 2016-12-21 02:35:15   

Personally, I prefer to have them available than having to work outside of Indexhibit. But I get your point. Maybe the plugin idea is the best : could be called «developper» or something like this, so it scares people a bit ;-) Thanks for your help !

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