Section titles act like Exhibits?

willmcdono / 2012-09-10 02:44:12   

After upgrading, the various Section titles on my site,, behave like Exhibits. They are now active links. I want 'em to be inactive headers, simple titles for the list of exhibits beneath.

What can I change to make the Section titles inactive?

Thanks and great work on 2.0. I love the multi-file uploads, longer captions, and all around more streamlined editing suite.

Vaska A / 2012-09-10 02:54:18   

All you need to do is simply unpublish the section pages and they will act like the good ole' section titles from the past. If you want to hide the section title completely you can 'hide from index' in page options. Lots of options there...


willmcdono / 2012-09-10 04:50:10   

Thanks a million for responding so quickly. Problem solved. :)

In order to make a mouseover my newly inactive section title look different than a mouseover an active link, I removed the "cursor: pointer" style from the section titles styles in base.css (just in case that helps anyone else).

Thanks again Vaska! Thread Resolved!

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