Problem with user interface moving to new URL

buero / 2013-09-09 08:17:45   


first of all, sorry for my bad englisch.

I moved with my side to a new url with a new domainname!!!
I've the older Version before 2.0.
1.) I've exported my Mysql Database and make a backup of my FTP Folders
2.) I've imported my Mysql Database to my new URL and uploaded my Folders, changed the "config.php". The website is running.

The Problem:
I can login with my password "" but instead of my indexhibit user panel i become this message:

'') ? '' : utf8Urldecode($_POST['x']); $this->db->updateArray(PX.'media', $clean, "media_id=$clean[media_id]"); header ('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); echo "" . $this->lang->word('updating') . ""; exit; } function sbmt_upd_jxtext() { global $go; header ('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); load_module_helper('files', $go['a']); $clean['id'] = (int) $_POST['id']; $_POST['content'] = ($_POST['v'] == '') ? '' : utf8Urldecode($_POST['v']); //$_POST['content'] = ($_POST['v'] == '') ? '' : $_POST['v']; //echo $_POST['content']; exit; // we need preference on processing $rs = $this->db->fetchRecord("SELECT process FROM ".PX."objects WHERE id = '$clean[id]'"); $processor =& load_class('processor', TRUE, 'lib'); load_helper('textprocess'); $clean['content'] = $processor->process('content', array('nophp')); $clean['content'] = textProcess($clean['content'], $rs['process']); $clean['udate'] = getNow(); $clean['object'] = OBJECT; $this->db->updateArray(PX.'objects', $clean, "id='$clean[id]'"); header ('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); echo "" . $this->lang->word('updating') . ""; exit; } function sbmt_upd_jxdelimg() { global $go; load_module_helper('files', $go['a']); // id here really is the name of the file $clean['media_id'] = $_POST['id']; $this->db->deleteArray(PX.'media', "media_file='$clean[media_id]'"); deleteImage($clean['media_id']); // image deleteImage($clean['media_id'], 'th'); // thumbnail deleteImage($clean['media_id'], 'sys'); // system thumbnail header ('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); echo "" . $this->lang->word('updating') . ""; exit; } function sbmt_upd_jxs() { $clean['id'] = (int) $_POST['id']; switch ($_POST['x']) { case 'ajx-status': if ($clean['id'] == 1) break; $clean['status'] = (int) $_POST['v']; $this->pub_status = $clean['status']; $this->page_id = $clean['id']; $this->publisher(); break; case 'ajx-images': $clean['images'] = (int) $_POST['v']; break; case 'ajx-thumbs': $clean['thumbs'] = (int) $_POST['v']; break; case 'ajx-process': $clean['process'] = (int) $_POST['v']; break; case 'ajx-hidden': $clean['hidden'] = (int) $_POST['v']; break; case 'ajx-tiling': $clean['tiling'] = (int) $_POST['v']; break; case 'color': $clean['color'] = $_POST['v']; break; case 'year': $clean['year'] = $_POST['v']; break; case 'present': $clean['format'] = $_POST['v']; break; case 'break': $clean['break'] = (int) $_POST['v']; break; case 'title': if ($_POST['update_value'] == '') { echo 'Error'; exit; } $clean['title'] = $_POST['update_value']; $this->db->updateArray(PX.'objects', $clean, "id='$clean[id]'"); header ('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); echo $clean['title']; exit; break; } if ($clean['id'] > 0) $this->db->updateArray(PX.'objects', $clean, "id='$clean[id]'"); header ('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); echo "" . $this->lang->word('updating') . ""; exit; } } ?>
Fatal error: Class 'exhibits' not found in /mnt/weba/c2/25/53816225/htdocs/ndxz-studio/common.php on line 93

Can you help me.

Best whishes from Germany,


arsondpi / 2013-09-09 16:07:28   

Something has gone wrong - what is your site?

buero / 2013-09-10 09:42:09

before i installed MySQLDumper and tried to import a big database, but it doesn't function, so i uninstalled MySQLDumper and became from my host a smaler Export from my Database.

arsondpi / 2013-09-10 10:54:24   

big databases are a pain...
Can't your host help you out with the import since it is a big file?

buero / 2013-09-11 08:46:04   

Problem is solved.

i transfered the folder exhibits again with ftp.

This thread has been closed, thank you.