Slideshow trouble

dragoshanciu / 2014-11-26 14:13:21   


My photography exhibits are set on slideshow format they were loading really slow and now they aren't loading at all.
I'm sure I have a good internet connection.

I tried to change the exhibit format on Documenta and I can see just o couple of thumbnails. The rest are unavailable - but I can see a few of the unavailable ones in the permalink. take a look .

Here is another example:
When is actually loading, I can't see photos 21, 22 and 23 - but the rest are ok.

Thank you

dragoshanciu / 2014-11-27 21:20:20   

Update: I re-uploaded all my photos with a maximum of 150kb image size. Now all my sections are loading, but SLOW. why? I'm sure the image size is not the problem because I have friends using the same slideshow on 600kbs photos and their web is really responsive... unlike mine.

btw: I'm working with dreamhost also. I have unlimited upload rate.

I reuploaded all the photos that were unavailable and now they”re ok.

Now I”m working on my facebook share button. You can see it working here but only on the first image and you can„t see it if you hit the previous button even though each image there has it”s own code. I want to know how to set that share button to have it on every image in the slideshow.

I know you guys may be busy, but I really need some help because I don't have html knowledge... or anything like that. Thank you

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