over and over- relative image size

xikki / 2012-12-23 10:26:35   

i was wondering if there is a simple way to make images in over and over format fill up always 50% of the screen (left or right, doesn't matter). by simple way i mean- messing up with css or php a little, but nothing to advanced...
i would appreciate any guideline , tnx!

arsondpi / 2012-12-23 11:22:22   

This is such a great idea!
Check this out:

1. Click Exhibit options, get your Image Max Size to fullpx, set Uniform width to its highest setting
2. Go to Admin/Assets/Theme/style.css and add

  1. #img-container .over .asset img.lazyload { width: 66%; height: auto; }

* Note that the images may pixelate on big screen resolutions.
Alternatively you can do this:

  1. #img-container .over .asset img.lazyload {
  2.     height: auto;
  3.     max-width: 700px;
  4.     width: 66%;
  5. }

which basically adds a maximum width to your images.
They will scale proportionally up to the point that images reach the max-width.

xikki / 2012-12-23 11:40:25   

Thank you soooo much! it works perfectly!

xikki / 2012-12-28 10:25:40   

heh, now i have another, similar question- is it as simple to do the same thing (filling up only 50% of the screen) in the slideshow format? where would i need to change things? slideshow.css maybe?

Vaska A / 2012-12-28 10:36:40   

Please start an appropriate thread for a new question (about a different format).

This thread has been closed, thank you.