Remove + from Overlay slideshow captions

jenmakesart / 2013-09-07 15:22:58   

Hi, I am interested in removing the + in the captions of slideshow.
I prefer to put title info all on one line, and it's a bit confusing to have the + sign there since it doesn't do anything if there is no caption.
Is there a way to remove this? I've been looking but haven't been able to find a thread about it.

Thanks very much!

arsondpi / 2013-09-08 10:07:11   

A small search will get you far:


jenmakesart / 2013-09-09 04:13:26   

Hi, yes, I had seen this already, but it doesn't fix the issue I'm talking about...
I just want to remove the [+] not make the caption show all the time... I haven't been able to find a thread about this. I have looked quite a bit. Thanks again.

arsondpi / 2013-09-09 07:21:39   

Then using firebug the firefox plugin track down the css selector of [+] and hide it via css...

jenmakesart / 2013-09-18 01:20:04   

I tried that as well, but still could not isolate that function in the CSS...

flexn / 2014-01-21 14:22:16   

The same for me - i would like to localise that (+) and delete it.

arsondpi / 2014-01-21 15:20:23   

Hello - did you use the information I posted above?
Are they not working out for you? If not please post a url address of your site with the customization that doesn't work.

bipster / 2014-01-21 16:48:28   

Add the following code to your style.css file:

  1. dialog-box-text > a {
  2.     display: none !important;
  3. }
bipster / 2014-01-21 16:49:49   

Sorry, this is the correct code:

  1. #dialog-box-text > a {
  2.     display: none !important;
  3. }
Vaska A / 2014-01-21 16:53:37   

Is it not possible edit the html from the...oh geez...what is the file called?

plugin.jxs_node something something .php?

I wrote things with the intention that people could remodel the html without having to dig into javascript. Now, I can't remember if I was successful.


arsondpi / 2014-01-21 19:33:37   


Check file plugin.jxs_ndxzbox.php, line 94
Edit where you see the [+] and then delete the onclick function

  1. onclick="$('#toggle').toggle();"

On the same line change

  1. style='display: none; background: black; padding: 3px 6px 6px 0;'


  1. style='background: black; padding: 3px 6px 6px 0;'

Tell us how it goes!

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