How to include Soundmanager 2

FelixFelixFelix / 2013-11-19 12:14:55   

I d'ike to include soundmanager 2 into my indexhibit site.
Finally it shuld look like this (Basic: Armstrong Beat):
I red all the exlinations but I did not succed.
Do you may have some hints how to do this.

Vaska A / 2013-11-19 12:18:02   

It's already included in your site...but you can customize it.

In /ndxzsite/plugin/plugin.format.php you will find a function with instructions regarding Soundmanager - you can customize this plugin to provide the parts you need to do something different.

You may need to do a little more than simply this, but this is where to begin.

FelixFelixFelix / 2013-11-19 13:34:54   

Thank you. I found the php files. But how does it work now that this player will appear:

FelixFelixFelix / 2013-11-19 15:43:29   

Hi again,

So I worked quite hard on it and I made some progress.
In the plugin.format.php I chanched to the script below and uploaded the page-player.js and the page-player.css form the soundmanager2

Now it looks like that:
If one music is running and I click on the second one it opens a new window. How to stop that?

And what elso to chanche to make it look like that?:

function mp3($file, $text='')
    $OBJ =& get_instance();
    // we check if file exists first
    if (!file_exists(DIRNAME . "/files/$file")) return;

    $title = ($text == '') ? $file : $text;
    $s = "$titlen";    
    $OBJ->page->add_lib_js('soundmanager2.js', 50);
    $OBJ->page->add_lib_js('page-player.js', 51);
    $OBJ->page->exhibit['lib_css'][] = "page-player.css";

    $OBJ->page->add_jquery_onready("soundManager.url = '" . $OBJ->baseurl . "/ndxzsite/img/';
soundManager.flashVersion = 9;
soundManager.useFlashBlock = false;", 6);
    return $s;

FelixFelixFelix / 2013-11-21 12:30:23   

I know, may thats to difficutl to explain in the forum.
But it would be geat if there are more explinations aoubt how to use soundmanager2

Vaska A / 2013-11-21 15:27:59   

They explain it on their site.

We use a default form of their player - you can see which files we included for use with Indexhibit in the code. You need to make those changes using the files that are required for the player you show above.

FelixFelixFelix / 2013-11-27 16:32:08   

Ok, I can manage to do this:
But thats not where I want to be! Actually I just don't find the solution to link all the files needed for that.

cnitsch / 2014-01-04 19:32:58   

Did you find a solution FelixFelixFelix?

It's not working for me either.
It seems to be that it's not accessing flash.

when switching the js and css in plugin.formats.php i follow the instructions for enabling flash 9 features (showing mp3 timeline), but they don't seem to function.
this is important to me, because I would like to allow visitors the capability of dragging or scrubbing through the timeline of the mp3.

after attempting to enable this, it causes inconsistencies.
if you click on the first linked mp3, it will display a (non flash) time counter, but when you click on the second mp3 it points directly to the mp3 resource and takes you away from the page.

Vaska, Do you have any suggestions?
I've disabled this on my site, because i can't have this happening right, but if you look at felix's page he has the same problem.

Any advice would be really helpful, because I think the basic inline player is too limiting.
It only allows you to play or pause the mp3, but not rewind or stop.


cnitsch / 2014-01-05 17:35:19   

So I updated all of the soundmanager2 javascript files and swf's to newer versions.

This seems to fix the problem of clicking on a sound file and being taken away from the main page and directly to the resource file (mp3), but it still is not accessing the muxtape style ui.

FelixFelixFelix / 2014-01-06 13:27:47   

If you enable this plugin it fixes this problem: Movement script for #menu v1.0
But it only fixes the problem when you don't chanche anything in the code for the soundmanager.
Let me know when you have a solution

cnitsch / 2014-01-06 17:42:05   

Hi FelixFelixFelix,

I had Movement script enabled already.
I think what fixed the inconsistency problem for me was updating all of the soundmanager2 files from their website. These files were updated by Schillmania on December 2013.

Still yet to figure out how to get the Use Interface enabled.

This thread has been closed, thank you.