Overriding iframe controls

7 / 2014-04-24 15:06:42   

So in version 1 we used to override these with HTML in the actual code with the iframed page URL in an exhibit edit area. Is it possible to do this in version 2?

I've made it work, in a way, by making #iframed rules and also tampering with the iframed.php plugin.

  2. $js = "function iframer() 
  3. // get width of #exhibit
  4. var frame_x = $('#exhibit').width(); 
  5. // get height of #index
  6. var frame_y = $('#index').height(); 

// apply height and width
$('#iframed').css('width', frame_x);
$('#iframed').css('height', frame_y);

$(window).resize( function() { iframer(); } );";

I messed around with frame_x and frame_y to get it to work, is this 'safe'?

Vaska A / 2014-04-24 16:49:45   

What do you want to overrule?

You can simply make a new iframed plugin - using the same function name, etc., and place it in your $theme folder and it will override the default one. All plugins, including exhibit formats, do this as well.

7 / 2014-04-24 17:17:37   

Hm yeah. I'm not even sure what I'm doing is the answer really! I'm trying to put a blog as a homepage whilst maintaining indexhibit for the rest of the site basically, using Tumblr. Tumblr's not great and I'm not keen on WP.

Is the indexhibit blog coming? ;)

Vaska A / 2014-04-24 17:34:19   

I don't thing people are interested in Indexhibit as a blogging tool...there has been almost no interest in this...

7 / 2014-04-24 17:37:02   

Ah ok, well I meant more along the lines of the simple news function like on this site

Vaska A / 2014-04-24 17:43:25   

I'm on vacation right now (haha, ouch)...

I can let you play with something but I need to be back in my studio. Will be there next week. Send me a note about it after Wednesday and I'll send you something. It will likely suck but it's a place to get something moving.

7 / 2014-04-24 17:53:23   

Sounds good!

This thread has been closed, thank you.