doesn't work but does

Guigsz / 2014-08-27 19:24:29   

I didn't find the answer in the FAQs but maybe it's somewhere inside...

I followed every step at my best but when i try to go to it appears like there is nothing but… is working just fine. How do i link the 2? I guess it's kinf of easy but it's my first time working with css and other internet stuff like that.


Vaska A / 2014-08-27 19:44:17   

Did you delete index.php just now?

I believe your site is blocked by a the default index.html file - you simply need to delete that and you will see your Indexhibit (index.php).

Guigsz / 2014-08-27 19:54:34   

I erased it but it took several minutes to take it into account.
Thank you for your help and time (you are damn quick!!)

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