reset password

lfoster / 2014-11-01 18:32:06   

I tried to login to my site, but was unable. After a few attempts, I was prompted to put in my email to have my password sent. When I did this - it said my email was not found.

I just tried to reset my password using the password reset plugin for v2, but I am still unable to login.

Any advice?

lfoster / 2014-11-01 18:36:53   

Actually, I was just sent a password reset to my email, but that new password is not working either. Could this be because I tried to use the reset plugin?

Vaska A / 2014-11-03 09:23:29   

Did you try logging in with the default?

lfoster / 2014-11-03 21:54:28   

yes, I tried the default as well - it says login err. What is strange is that I put the plugin into my ndzfolder and when I ran it - I got the message saying "hopefully this was a success" which I assume to mean that I put it in the right spot.

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