paragraph width

wth / 2014-12-07 22:00:52   


one small problem:
the paragraph width as defined in css is 450. but somehow it does not work like that. text getting stretched to the entire window size. only if I put a

tag in the text box and close it properly - then it behaves correctly. is this a little bug or am I doing something wrong?


wth / 2014-12-07 22:03:26   

oops, it got formated wrong.
I mean I have to put a "paragraph tag" inside the text box if I want the text being correctly formated, meaning the text box size being 450 as defined in the css.

sorry for sounding complicated.


wth / 2014-12-08 00:24:33   

sorry, me again, I can't get this fixed.

please have a look

the text does not wrap.

wth / 2014-12-08 01:03:47   

I think I found my problem and the solution:

the css of the slideshow was overruling and caused the result:
#textspace p, #textspace blockquote, #textspace code { width: auto; }
the with:auto caused it, at least when I disalbe it's all fine.


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