Credentials again and again

jonathanpierini / 2015-06-04 20:06:55   

Dear all,

I have been working with indexhibit for a while now and always worked great! I have some problems now in logging in. Once I insert username and password I can log in but it keep me asking ID and password at every step and when I eventually try to create a new work I am not able to do it as it tells me "not found".

Does someone know what this could be about? I read through the forum but was not able to find the very same issue…

Many thanks in advance!

Vaska A / 2015-06-04 20:22:44   

Your database is actually not saving your login hash and thus logs you out - it's one of two things...

1. caused because your site was hacked (check your index.php file for weird code usually at beginning or end of code)
2. your database is corrupt and needs "repair" see PHPMyAdmin.

Before you touch anything, backup your "ndxzstudio" folder.

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