crab // horizontal edit -which file

edprygodzicz / 2009-02-19 19:51:30   


so first off i'd like to thank Antoine for a superb new layout with the horizontal/crabs scrolling. hat off to you!

i'm trying to edit all the usual bits (menu, type, layout and everything) with the new format but am having a hard time doing so. should i be doing all the editing in the crabs plugin folder? and if so, what section (or line) of it?

so far i've been editing the style.css file of the website, as you can see from the coding, but as i've read its not the proper way to do it, and it doesn't tend to work properly either.

any help will be very appreciated!

my website is:

Vaska A / 2009-02-19 19:57:44   

The editing would take place in the plugin file itself...there are css rules within it.

edprygodzicz / 2009-02-19 20:15:20   

it all looks gobbledegoop to me. any hints as to what part of the css to edit - does this section relate to the menu editing? -

function dynamicCSS()
    return "
        #long-sandy-beach .one-box { float: left; padding-right: 50px; }
        #long-sandy-beach .caption-box { padding-top: 5px; }
        #long-sandy-beach .caption-box .title { font-weight: bold; }
        #long-sandy-beach .caption-box .caption { }
        /* Menu - CSS overides - remove comments bellow to use */
        /* #menu { left: 25px; bottom: auto; height: auto; background-color: #FFF; } */
        /* #content { margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 240px; } */

i feel a little out of my depth but i really want to use this fantastic scrolling option and finally get my head round css.

Vaska A / 2009-02-19 20:17:03   

No, it doesn't relate to the menu - but there are many threads related to editing the menu around here.

Honestly, when I don't know how to do something I expect to spend a huge amount of time learning how to do things. Start with reading the html/css basics tutorial I put at the top of the forum.

edprygodzicz / 2009-02-19 22:02:21   

i understand that normally to edit the menu, you do this in the style.css and i understand how to edit it with css coding and all (as much as I have learnt over 8 months). Is it not worth editing the style.css file at all or is it the quick but bad option? I

could you just point me in the direction of one area to edit in the crabs plugin file for say the menu?

Vaska A / 2009-02-19 22:33:40   

The crabs plugin has nothing to do with the menu. #menu is in the style.css file.

This thread has been closed, thank you.