about image title

pierre / 2007-08-09 19:41:42   


is possible to make the text image titles more longer?, the box for type the text is too short and I need put a long description!, THANKS!


Vaska A / 2007-08-10 07:05:40   

Yes, it is. We charge for that! ;)

If you are feeling brave you can go to line 507 (or so) in the /ndxz-studio/module/exhibit/index.php file and change both "maxlength" values to something greater than 35.

Vaska A / 2007-08-10 07:06:04   

In the next release, whenever it happens, I'm going to make this change as well.

Vaska A / 2007-08-10 07:06:55   

And you must know that having alot of text in that space will mess up some exhibition formats...like Grow for instance.

hwm187 / 2010-06-25 21:08:32   

Hey Vaska,

Did this ever get updated? and is there a way to insert html elements into the captions? For instance, I would like to add a download link into the captions (a pdf version of a project). I'm primarily using the 'over and over' theme. Any suggestions?

arsondpi / 2010-06-25 23:03:31   

check this thread.

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