jquery cycle/slideshow - scrollUp

nspace / 2007-12-17 21:19:46   

Not sure what I am doing wrong. I checked the code on the Jquery cycle website but can't figure out why the 'scrollUp' feature isn't working using slideshow.

function dynamicJS() { global $timeout; return "$(document).ready(function(){ $('#s1').cycle({ fx:'scrollUp', speed:'2000', timeout: 0, next:'#next', prev:'#prev'}); });"; }

When I switch scrollUp out for fade, or slideY, slideX etc it works fine. Soon as I input scrollUp, no image appears on my page, just the next, previous and 1/5 text appears.

simon / 2007-12-17 21:55:28   

I think it's a conflict with jquery...Cycle is using 1.2.1 but indexhibit is still on 1.1.2.

We tried the fade effect and it worked fine, so we stopped there.

I guess you'll need to wait for a next release, Vaska talked about rewriting all the plugin to get Jquery 1.2.1 in indexhibit. ;)

Vaska A / 2007-12-18 12:53:23   

Next version we'll be on the new Jquery. I'm rethinking the architecture so it will be alot easier to upgrade as well.

And, I might have figured out a way to make the whole thing javascript library agnostic...meaning...plugins might be able to be in Jquery...Prototype...Moo...YUI...etc.

I'll keep y'all posted!

mattb_tv / 2008-03-13 19:22:05   

First, Hello! – and thank you for including jQuery in indexhibit.

I've tried upgrading jQuery to 1.2.3 manually in an attempt to use the scrollHorz trigger, but it partially breaks the slideshow (first image loads with prev/next, but clicking does not change image).

Is the jQuery functionality tied into the indexhibit core in a way that prevents editing in this capacity?

Vaska A / 2008-03-13 19:41:49   

Technically, there are two Jquery scripts...one for the cms and then one for the frontend. So you can play with Jquery at the frontend...upgrade it...everything should work fine. I know other people have done it with regards to the Slideshow plugin and it worked out just fine.

Upgrading the cycle.all script is another issue...we did make a change to it. This also might make it difficult to use any other effects.

The plugin will need to be revised soon...

mattb_tv / 2008-03-13 21:38:48   

Thanks for the quick response Vaska. I just noticed the two instances of jQuery digging through the project files. I saw that the cycle.all had a few transitions removed as well, so I will be sure to compare closely.

In any event, I will play around with it a little more and see if I can get it to work. If not, no big deal. Its more of a stylistic tweak than a functionality concern.

Looking forward to whatever updates you might have to the cms in the future. This is only getting better!

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